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The Celebrity Beat: Relocation.com’s Celebrity Real Estate Report

Interior View of Jim Clark's Miami Penthouse - Listed at $27 Million (Photo Credit:Luxist.com)

Interior View of Jim Clark's Miami Penthouse - Listed at $27 Million (Photo Credit: Luxist.com)

Deck Views of Jim Clark's Penthouse (Image Credit: Luxist.com)

Views of Jim Clark's Deck (Photo Credit: Luxist.com)

By Serena Norr

Another week of the Celebrity Beat [1], your weekly celebrity real estate [2] report and this is certainty a luxurious one. From Jenny Garth’s family-friendly mansion for sale to Madonna’s home renovations reportedly costing $1.7 million, and not to mention a $27 million dollar Miami palace (yes, a palace) for sale owned by Netscape founder, Jim Clark. These real estate listings never cease to amaze us, and after reading about them (and taking a peak at these jaw-dropping pictures) we’re sure you will think so, too.

Missed a Beat? Check out Relocation.com’s recent blog posts covering the entertaining tales of celebrity real estate: