Chat with your friends before you move to ease any moving day tension.
By Dermound Becker
Special to Relocation.com
Moving to a new city can be both bitter and sweet. As excited you are about the new adventure in your life, you must also leave behind your loved ones. Telling friends and family that you have decided to move can be a traumatizing experience. Here are some tips to make your moving day easier.
Tell people sooner rather than later. If you put off telling your loved ones about your decision, you give them less time to get used to the idea. You limit the time that you can spend with them before the movers arrive. As much as you are dreading the idea, you really will be better off if you broach the subject early on. Even if they are upset, it will still give you time to explain the reasons for the move to them, answer any questions they may have, and just to enjoy the time you have together while you can.
Assure your friends and family that you will stay in touch. One big fear that comes up often when someone hears that a close friend is moving away is that this will be the end of the relationship. Make sure that these people close to you can, for instance, have a way to contact you. Luckily, these days it is even easier to stay in touch such as through blogs, email, Skype, or even writing a letter. Follow this up by contacting them as soon as you can after your move.
Decide who you want to tell. You need to decide exactly who you want to tell and just how you want to tell them. You could consider having a cook-out or picnic and inform everyone at the same time. Or you might want to have individuals over for coffee, or meet them for lunch, and tell them separately. However you decide to do it, expect tears and be prepared with tissues.
Be prepared for questions, and have answers. People who care about you want to know that you are making a good decision. Explain things carefully. If this is for a job, tell them all about what a great opportunity it is for you, for example.
Keep them informed. Let them know how things are progressing with the move. Give them your new address ahead of time. Assure them that you will call along the way, or when you have safely arrived. Any assurances you can give them will help soften the blow of losing you.
Everyone will react differently. Not everyone is going to be happy to hear your moving news. If you must, be firm with them about the fact that this is actually going to happen. You do not want to lose a close friend over this if you can help it, but then again, you have to think of yourself and your best interests first. Just give them time to come around.
As soon as you are settled in, send pictures and updates to your friends and family members. Let them see your new home, your neighborhood and where you work or go to school. Let them see how happy you are in your new area. Good friends and loving family will want you to be happy, after all.